Care for some Once Upon a Time?
It’s the company’s very soft and very fictional boss Story Sheep here. Welcome to read and watch my storywools. I try my best to publish some wools here for you every month.
WoolTakes – little claims about storification that Storysheep wants to make straight. PS! Storysheep taking break on these at the moment.
WoolTimes – something interesting and related to business storytelling / storification.
WoolTalks – monologues and dialogues about storification and story-driven design processes.
Stay Woolish, my friend!

Baaa! This WoolTalks is a short chat together with Mirva Tapaninen about industrial tourism and the project we did together on storification. What is industrial tourism? In the words of Oili Ruokamo, “Industrial tourism is tourism in destinations that represent industry-related expertise from the past, present or future. The concept of industrial tourism is broadly divided into […]

Baa! This time WoolTimes is about our trip to Hotel Mustaparta, at Tornio, Finland. Anne did a storification workshop for industrial tourism project, and we got to visit this famous hotel with a story! You can read more about the hotel Mustaparta here, it is a hotel with a story! At this WoolTimes video I […]

Baaa! Time for some new wools. This time it’s all about responsibility in tourism. And what storification got to do with it? Anne had a great talk with her colleague Anu Nylund, from Mood of Finland. Mood of Finland Company offers Education & Tourism services in creative, inspiring and responsible way. Mood of Finland company is owned […]

Baaa! Have you already used locality as part of your business? Locality is big part of storification process. At this WoolTimes video we share with you some ideas how to use locality as part of your company’s engaging core story. This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow […]

Baa! Happy New Year my friend! This time a bit different WoolTalks video, introducing to you the concept of the Business Poems. So I let Anne tell you more what is this about? As as Story Designer I use my creative skills to improve the business of my clients. I have a special talent for […]

Baa, it’s your guide to storification Storysheep here again! Time for December WoolTimes. Here on this video we are sharing with you some of the projects we have been doing at the end of this year 2021. We have been jumping from different fields to another this year, and we love it! It’s great to see […]

Baaa, it’s your friend, and guide to the world of storification Storysheep here again. This time I’d like to share with you a WoolTalks about Luonkos, natural cosmetics company’s storification process. Behind Luonkos stands three women with a will to rediscover connection with natural wellbeing. Anne had a great talk together with Piritta Fors, CEO of Luonkos Finland […]

Baaa, its finally time for new WoolTimes video. We have had a busy start of the autumn, so sorry for the delay. We have also done some changes for our WoolTimes videos and now on these videos will be more like little backstage videos, what is going on here with me and Anne, what are […]

Baaa! Its your Storysheep! During the 2020 – Spring 2021 we have published 11 WoolTalks videos. Here is the summary of all these videos. WoolTalks 1 – What is storification? WoolTalks 2 – What is StoryTree? WoolTalks 3 – What is Core Story in Storification? WoolTalks 4 – what is Story Identity Book? WoolTalks 5 – Your company’s […]

Baa! Storysheep here again! During the times 2020 – Spring 2021 we have published 11 WoolTimes videos. Here is the summary of all of these videos. WoolTimes 1 – importance of senses for your business? WoolTimes 2 – storytelling in the era of Covid-19 and after? WoolTimes 3 – how to avoid storytelling cliches in tourism? […]

Baaa! By using storification, companies can create customer experiences that really stand out. Anne started creating storification, a story driven strategic design, method here in Finland over 12 years ago. Method was introduced to the broader audience by Anne´s book about Storification, that was published in Finnish back in 2014. But what are the […]

Baaa! This time on WoolTimes we introduce to you Steven Van Belleghem´s article: Lessons in customer experience from Disney – for companies of any size. Steven shares us the 5 insights he got from Disney´s former head of innovation and creativity, Duncan Wardle. Steven had Duncan on his podcast. You can find the article by […]

Baaa! Time for new WoolTalks. Why are there little dogs at the Raisa´s Hair Salon? Let´s find out how Hair Salon can create engaging brand experience and use storification to stand out. Rasia´s core story is strongly rooted to values of the business owner and hairdresser Raisa Äijälä. Follow Hair Salon Rasia on Instagram here. This blog […]

Baa! Are customers only part of marketers business tunnels? Is personalization only a marketing tactic? What is the future of business as we know it? Our WoolTimes is about Aarron Spinley´s article. Read the whole article by Aarron here. This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on […]

Baa! How did Southern Konnevesi n Finland use storification to create a strong destination brand? Rositsa Röntynen sharing her insight on the project! This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on […]

Baa! This WoolTimes is about Volkswagen´s App Road Tales. They have created a digital product that uses location-based interactive audiobooks to transform ordinary road objects into a magical story. Watch the whole presentation by Kika Douglas, how the app was done. This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can […]

Baa! Let´s find out how did Edu Gems Ltd. use storification to boost up their startup business? This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the free storification guide […]

Baa! What is the future of experiences for 2021 and beyond? Download the whole report done by the House of Beautiful Business “The Future of Experiences” here: This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome […]

Baa! How to use storification for coaching business? ZetMark Ltd.´s Anu Manner is sharing their storification process on this WoolTalks. This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the […]

Baa! Skullmapping is making angels fly out of paintings. What?? This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the free storification guide here and join our mailing list for […]

Baa! How to engage customers with story paths? Let´s find out. This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the free storification guide here and join our mailing list […]

Baa! How to use visual storytelling in tourism? This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the free storification guide here and join our mailing list for more tips […]

Baa! How to create engaging Story Stages for your company? This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the free storification guide here and join our mailing list for […]

Baa! Storification is all about customer experience strategy. Here are 7 things to keep in mind when creating a customer experience strategy. This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. […]

Baa! How to create a Story Identity Book for your company? Let´s find out. This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the free storification guide here and join […]

Baa! COVID19 brought some innovations, here is one. This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the free storification guide here and join our mailing list for more tips […]

Baa! What is the core story we use in storification? This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the free storification guide here and join our mailing list for […]

Baa! No more cliches! What phrases to avoid in tourism storytelling? This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the free storification guide here and join our mailing […]

Baa! How to find the right story elements for your company´s core story? Let´s learn more about StoryTree -method. This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the free […]

Baa! What is the importance of storytelling in this era of pandemic and moving forward? This blog is updated by the fictional and very woolish boss Storysheep. You can follow Storysheep and Anne on Instagram and Facebook. You are also warmly welcome to connect with Anne on LinkedIn. Download the free storification guide here […]